We were young and I did not know

So, Veteran’s Day, Armistice Day, is particularly important to me. I served a long time in the military. I am proud of that service, and never understood while I was doing it what was happening.

We were all so damn young, and I did not know.  I swear I did not.

I did not know that this river of people that flowed rapidly through my life would all imprint me in ways I never would have expected. I did not comprehend that 30+ years down the line, they would be vivid in my mind and my heart.

Eric and Rick shooting bottle rockets at each other in the backyard on 4th of July. Losing Brad out of the back of the truck going to see the fireworks. Bill and Bobby sitting in the living room watching the Super Bowl with us when my son took his first steps.

I have had the blessing of being supported by the best human beings in the world in all my times of trouble. Somehow, some way, they appear or rally around. The bond never breaks.  Even 20 years later, even completely at odds in world view, there is still a bond that transcends

You don’t know them. But we know each other, better than we know ourselves in some cases. There was never a moment we questioned whether everyone else would step up. We knew them, we knew.

Look, I am just a regular Joe, pun somewhat intended. Literally the definition of a middle class guy. But I have lived an extraordinary life, in that I have been and continue to be part of the greatest group of human beings ever assembled. I am continuously humbled they allowed me in, and kept hold of me.

They are themselves, just other folks. Looking at any of us, you would not guess how incredibly blessed and rich we all are. Some of us have fallen on hard times, difficult situations, some of us give up completely and end it all. Some of us know how blessed we are, regardless of station. Some of us end up so damaged, so scarred that we cannot see our own value, and that ends so sadly.

None of us do enough for each other, none of us admit how much we have done for one another. It is impossible to take in, all at once, because it is too vivid, too personal. We cannot explain it, there are not words. We cannot put a price to it, it is invaluable.

Yet, for all that we have given, we all gladly give more still. We will stop, we will take the step to help a brother or sister in need. My whole life is a testament to that. And still I don’t do enough.

I owe so much to them all, even those whose name I don’t remember or never knew. I owe those that fell in the 1700’s, and those that fell in 2018, and clearly feel a connection and understanding almost 250 years long. There are millions of brothers and sisters in this family.

We were young, and I did not know how important we, they, were. I do now. And with all my heart, and all my will, I love them. And, I am sorry, I did not know then, how much each of you would mean to me forever. No one told us, it was not right. If I had known...

We were young, and I did not know. But I realize now what I should seen then. Thank you. Just a regular Joe, but you made me so much more, gave me so much more. I can never repay, or even comprehend what I owe. But I appreciate it, and you, all my brothers and sisters. You are family, and there is a welcome here for you if and when you need it. No questions asked, no reasons needed.

God bless and keep you.

We were so damn you, and we did not know.

Peace, to us all, that no more need serve. But, grace to us, there will always be those that step forward as long as required. And they will be so damn young, and they won’t know.

To all the veterans, everywhere, peace.


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