What About You?

Look, this is all the religion I can take today on social media. But, moving our embassy to Jerusalem is not some act of holiness. It is a decision by a secular government, about civil powers, that is ill considered and creating an issue contrary to what the New Testament teaches. Nothing about this fulfills prophesy.

And, I am sorry that so many of you are wrapped up with "preachers" that confuse this current state of Israel with the nation the Bible describes. They also confuse this current President with a Christian. They speak in double language and crave power and access to this secular government they preach against on Sundays.

They pervert the teachings of Christ into some myth that God cares if you are ever rich or poor, that success will be yours if only you believe enough. The unspoken part of that contract that we all reap the evil consequences of, is that others are worthless and corrupt if they have less than these "Christians:, and the proof is in their poverty and illness and brokenness.

It is the false religion of prosperity and greed, that drives this meanness and corruption on display. This is why it is okay to excuse the evil of the wealthy and influential, because they have been falsely conditioned to accept that God must love these people, look at all they have. Likewise, they have been conditioned to accept that God must not love these people that are poor, homeless, destitute.

It makes it so much easier to be petty, to be exclusionary, to couch racism and elitism in the so very comforting trappings of "faith". Honoring these "teachers", proclaiming their ignorance and heresy is not on them, it is on you.

Falwell, Franklin Graham, Jeffers, Huckabee, these are men that proclaimed they are of the cloth, evangelical ministers, pastors of the flock. They dabble in racism, elitism and corruption in the same way the Pharisees and Sadducees did in the time of Christ. There is not one hair's width of difference that can be drawn between them.

And the Gnostic myths of the Osteens and Jakes, the prosperity gospel that sounds so good to those of us working so hard, is the stepping stones that have laid the foundation for the sickest this nation has been since the 1870's and uprisings opposing Reconstruction.

It should shame every believer, of any tenet, that hears what is produced daily. We are going to separate families at the border because we can, not because it makes them less illegal or less dangerous. It is meanness because we have power and at the root, that is everything Jesus taught against.

We are trying to triple the housing rates on the poorest among us, the complete antithesis of the parable of the widow and the coin.

We excuse lying and pride, daily, because somehow, it makes us worry that gays and atheists are going to take over if we call out corruption of professed Christian leaders.

Our "pastors" tell us to pray for the President's success and not for his soul and morality, because our prosperity is more important than the content of our character as a nation.

Instead of standing up and calling out all the ways in which this nation has corrupted and perverted whatever chance it had of being aligned with Christ's teachings, our "faith leaders" ignore the sin and pray for judges and tax cuts.

If you find yourself taught by that strain of ignorance and heretical thought, you should evaluate your church situation.

Can you imagine that Christ would ever say what these pastors say and profess?

Do you believe Christ hated homosexuals?

Do you believe Christ did not believe the parable of the Samaritan, it just sounded good, so it is okay to treat the refugees in our midst as trash?

Do you believe that Christ cares about your checkbook or title at work?

Can you believe that this is what Christ meant when he said render unto Caesar, but at the same time consider this Caesar anointed of God?

Do you believe that because this lying brood of false teachers laid hands on the man at the heart of this crisis, that somehow that excused and made up for all that you should find abhorrent and antiChristian that we see practiced everyday?

Or do you just agree with these practices and approaches regardless of belief?

If you do, the Bible went over your head, but at least you are honest to your core.

I am over those that claim piety and practice corruption, quote the Bible and ignore the devil in our midst. That is lying in and of itself.

Whatever else they were, the Pharisees and Sadducees were convinced they were right and blessed of God.

What about you?

You don't owe me an answer, and I don't need to hear it. But, you do owe God, and He will call you to account for it.

If you do not believe that, it does not change my belief that God will call you to account for it. But it also does not make me like you or love you less. It makes me pray for you more.

But, especially if you are a "Christian" is it not possible that this is the test of your time, to see where your faith leads and how it instructs you? Because there are no do overs, only grace and forgiveness.

We are still supposed to try to do it right in the moment, even when we fall short. That is the challenge I offer you today.

Christ was clear about where His heart lived, where His soul led, where His love belonged. He still is.

What about you? Kids dying in Gaza by the dozen is not a mark of God's favor on anything, and if you think it is, you are the salt that lost it's saltiness. Christ told us to toss that on the ground and walk upon it.

What about you? Breaking our promise to a million Dreamers that kept their word, did all that we asked them to, trying to get "right" with the law that they did not know they were breaking, is the opposite of everything Christian. It is not grace or grace like to still hold them responsible for the sin after doing what we asked for them to atone. It is a lie to then ignore our promise. It is just plain wrong, and it is against the teachings of the Old and New Testament.

What about you? This all just fine with you? This is nothing you need to work on?

Even if you are not "Christian" are you alright with this being how your nation works? Is this the shining light on the hill?

Is this what we, the people, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and ensure the blessing of liberty for our selves and our posterity, ordain and establish?

Secular or religious, you can't claim right is wrong and wrong is right, and have any one take you seriously at your word.

What about you?


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