
Showing posts from May, 2018

What About You?

Look, this is all the religion I can take today on social media. But, moving our embassy to Jerusalem is not some act of holiness. It is a decision by a secular government, about civil powers, that is ill considered and creating an issue contrary to what the New Testament teaches. Nothing about this fulfills prophesy. And, I am sorry that so many of you are wrapped up with "preachers" that confuse this current state of Israel with the nation the Bible describes. They also confuse this current President with a Christian. They speak in double language and crave power and access to this secular government they preach against on Sundays. They pervert the teachings of Christ into some myth that God cares if you are ever rich or poor, that success will be yours if only you believe enough. The unspoken part of that contract that we all reap the evil consequences of, is that others are worthless and corrupt if they have less than these "Christians:, and the proof is in their